Saturday, July 30, 2011

Franciscan Immaculada

Retablo for Peruvian frame: Franciscan Immaculada, T. Nelson 2011
Acrylic on gesso board.
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Monday, July 4, 2011

Frame Fillers.

So here is a look at some of what I've been doing lately - painting panels to fill a few antique 'tabernacle' frames I've owned for years.  Click on photos to enlarge.

St, Sergius of Radonez; Madonna, after Daddi; St. James, after Veneziano; with the legs of a Spanish Colonial corpus.

Corpus; OL of Mt. Carmel, after Neapolitan Carmine Madonna; St. Peter Martyr, after Angelico.

St. Peter Martyr, after Fra Angelico
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