Saturday, May 11, 2019

Six Matt Talbot paintings by me ...

1st attempt.  An icon of Matt.

2nd attempt Matt as an older man.

3rd attempt Matt closer to the end of his life.

4th attempt - Matt as young man
on Newcomen Bridge.

5th attempt - Matt as young man.

6th attempt - Matt after only known
photo of him.


rosaMaria said...

I love Matt Talbot! The book, 'The Life and Times of Matt Talbot' by Mary Purcell, I have read once and with great interest. He practiced the devotion of ' the Slavery to the Blessed Virgin Mary' of St. Louis Mary Grignion de Montfort and mentioned to someone that he practiced a devotion which 'lifted him a feet off the ground..

Sally Stebbins said...

Are any of these paintings available as prints?