Saturday, May 11, 2019

A final look at St. Nunzio.

I added the rosary to complete the study.
St. Nunzio Sulprizio, pray for us.


Anonymous said...

You are a great artist; not flattery, just truth. I love the detail with the Rosary, the 'innocence in st. nunzio's eyes, the 'soft brown colors, etc., etc. Now I hope to look-up St. Nunzio and learn a little about him! Happy St. Rita de Cascia feast day today, Terry Nelson. I had forgotten 'her day''. Hoping this finds you very well and Gesu, Marie and Joseph bless you and ALL loved-ones! RosaMaria..

Alfred Brown said...

Where do they sell this picture of St Nunzio?
You can not find anything about St Nunzio...No Holy Cards...Etc!!!